
Working to end extreme vulnerability and create a more free, more stable, more safe America.

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A Blueprint for a Safer and More Just America is a comprehensive framework with actionable solutions to end dehumanization and extreme vulnerability and build in their place a society with dignity and freedom for all of us, starting with those who are the most vulnerable.

Read TJC's Blueprint


The Blueprint sets forth several areas of focus that center our work at The Justice Collaborative. These principles are key to building an America with dignity and freedom for all of us, starting with those who are the most vulnerable.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  MEDIA CONTACT:media@tjcinstitute.com The Justice Collaborative (TJC) is proud to announce A Blueprint for a Safer and More Just America, a new comprehensive framework for national criminal justice reform. The blueprint, developed by …


Press Release


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New Poll Shows Strong Bipartisan Support for Robust Housing Assistance to Prevent Evictions

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The Justice Collaborative and The Appeal Statement on the Death of John Lewis

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